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Bianca Qmech


Where great minds explore!

Study Lab is a space for learners.

Some of our students are wanting to improve their grades at mainstream schools,

others needing help with tuition services, some of our families utilize the space as a meeting place, for social gatherings, and sometimes, we facilitate workshops or host events.

Our youngest student is four years old, and we support learning for mainstream schoolers, homeschoolers, unschoolers, distance education, and even the odd university undergraduate.

Our learning space, Study Lab, is as social, inclusive, or exclusive as you need it to be.

Our journey began as a distance education family. My child was experiencing generalized anxiety causing learning challenges and mainstream quickly became unsuitable.

With the support and guidance of Metropolitan, we were directed to start our distance education journey in 2014.

One of the most rewarding experiences was watching my child be able to only focus on learning, and over the years, develop curiosity and interest in learning.

Study Lab was created to support the homeschooling, distance ed, and unschooling community. People connect and find a common and shared goal of trying something new, amongst friends.

Studio 8, is really a combination of all the lessons learned during our distance education journey, listening to the stories of our peers, and hearing what families wanted most.

One of the most popular conversations we have had is that families don't want to feel pressure to learn or to immediately understand a unit of work.

Our children sometimes don't learn best by checking boxes.

Studio 8 provides a fabulous space with learning hubs and sections to relax and feel at home.

Study Lab is suitable for most year levels.

We invite you to email

we would like to help.

Template by audio by Sammy S Audio from Canva.

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